Aries Overview
Aries Rulerships
Aries Symbol & Place in the Zodiac
The Aries Female
The Aries Male
Aries Erogenous Zones
Aries Bonuses (Strengths)
Aries Tradeoffs (Weaknesses)
Aries Appeal
More About Aries Sexuality
Cupid's Arrow, Foreplay, Accessories & Toys,
Gifts, Style, Scent, Taste, In Bed, Hear, First
Aid, Anger, Breaking Up
Overview |

Aries is direct, open, and usually quite
confident. "What you see is what you get" with
Aries. And in the bedroom? Aries brings passion
of the moment, unbridled enthusiasm, and a "come
out on top" attitude. Aries loves to be the
best. While there may be something missing on an
intimate level (Aries is not known for an
emotional approach to love-making), the Aries'
eagerness and willingness to venture into
untried territory wins major points.
Aries is not the most romantic of signs, but
the Aries' almost innocently direct and
enthusiastic approach at least appears to be
passionate. The trick is to keep Aries' interest
in order to keep that initial spark alive. This
involves stimulating conversation, a few
adventures, as well as lively moments that can
even include arguments. Aries gets off on a
feeling of newness. Partners of Aries need to
reinvent themselves every now and again,
although Aries is quite adept at keeping things
moving as well. Aries typically gets off on the
conquest--the chase, the hunt. Spontaneity is
also key. Throw out schedules for dating or
lovemaking when you're with an Aries. Aries
performs best in life when Aries feels passion
of the moment.
Who is an
Aries? |
Those born March 21-April 19. The cut off dates
vary from year to year, so if you are unsure,
send your birth data to us and we'll let you
Rulerships |
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and
Aries-born natives like to get things started.
They thrive on new things.
Aries is ruled by assertive Mars, the god of
war. Mars is all about taking action and taking
on challenges, and this is true for Aries.
& Place in the Zodiac
The symbol for Aries is the Ram. Rams have
often symbolized leadership, and that's what
Aries do best: lead. Like the Ram, Aries will
head-butt their way through life, taking the
fastest, most direct route to their goals.
Aries is the first sign in the zodiac, and in
some ways, can be compared to the infant or the
first-born child. Infants want what they want
right now. Their needs are paramount, and
they'll do whatever it takes to get them met.
First-borns are often leaders--they're the first
to head out into the world, and they accept the
responsibilities that come with their status.
The Aries
Female |
Aries women are
playful, fun, active, and direct. They'll make
you laugh, their enthusiasm is hearty, and their
directness refreshing. Never a shrinking violet,
Aries women won't play to a male ego by
pretending to be helpless, but if they think
you're fabulous, they will say so. Competitive
by nature, Aries will go to great lengths to get
what she wants; but she can also tire of things
fast, especially if whatever it is doesn't feel
new or exciting anymore.
Aries women absolutely can take care of
themselves. In many ways, they are
self-contained, but they are in love with love,
always interested in the excitement of romance
and sexuality. It's just that they have many
other interests, and this is one of the reasons
why they're such a great catch for strong
partners. They'll let you do your thing while
they do theirs, and still fully appreciate the
time you have together.
The Aries
Male |

Aries men are
bold, eager, direct, and charming. They love the
thrill of the hunt in love. It's important to
remember that hunters love a good chase. They
don't want their "prey" to walk up to them with
a "just shoot me" stance. Challenges get them
all riled up.
Aries men are energetic and charismatic.
Frequently they're the "bad boys" (with a strong
hint of the "great guy" underneath the surface)
that many women love. Eager to get in on the
game early, they are the first to make their
move. They're masters of the flirt, and they win
others over with an almost innocent directness.
The Aries man is the one who cuts to the
chase--he has an opening line that might earn a
slap if it weren't delivered with such a
mischievous and irresistible smile. Even the shy
ones can come out and say something so
refreshing that you can't help but be enchanted.
Erogenous Zones
Aries rules the head and face, and these are
the corresponding erogenous zones. Play with, or
even muss up, their hair; run your fingers over
their face or even grab it passionately; look
them straight in the eye.
Bonuses |
Aries lovers keep you guessing, simply
because every day is brand new to them. However,
they won't keep you guessing when it comes to
how they feel, and this is another plus. They're
straightforward. Aries lovers are not pretenders
or wannabes. Their "game" is not much of a game
because it's so direct. Even if they use some
moves, they'll probably admit to it later.
Tradeoffs |
While attracting Aries' attention is
straightforward enough, keeping it is the
challenge. There is a bit of a hunter in every
Aries, and while it's nice to know that you're
all theirs, they may get a little bored. It can
get frustrating always keeping up. They can also
come on strong and then fade away, leaving you
confused. Remember that Aries is all about the
beginning, the start. They're not always good at
the follow-up or sustainment areas. Some of them
want you on their terms only.
Appeal |
There is an almost innocent charm to Aries
that is very hard to resist. Their direct style
can put you off guard, but it can also intrigue
you. After all, there aren't many people out
there who are not playing games.
More About
Aries' Sexual Styles - Categories |
Cupid's Arrow
Ways to the Aries heart.
Aries loves to be your first, and this
doesn't mean you have to be a virgin or
even virginal. In fact, your open mind
is a turn-on to Aries; they just want to
come up with brand new things to do, and
you're the adoring audience.
While you should never be "easy",
don't beat around the bush or play too
many head games. Express your
independence, but do make sure Aries
knows he/she is the best you ever had,
and ever will.
Aries Foreplay
The most effective foreplay ideas with
Be direct, simple, and to the point in
foreplay with your Aries lover. It's not
a terrible idea to play coy at times,
because Aries lovers do enjoy a
conquest. When you do, you might even
put up a little resistance. Aries will
know it's a game, but it's a game they
like playing. Let your Aries lover lead
- not all of the time, but often - and
follow along, introducing some of your
ideas subtly along the way. Aries
foreplay may be a little quick.
Depending on how you feel about that,
you can enjoy it, or subtly introduce a
new kind of foreplay. Aries love all
that is "new".
Aries Accessories
and Toys
The best accessories to use with Aries.
Some Aries just love
handcuffs, but they usually prefer to do
the cuffing! Even so, practically any
accessory is game for Aries lovers. Not
that they want to use accessories all
the time, because they are not usually
fans of prolonging things, but they are
typically very open to whatever new
accessory you're interested in using. |
Gifts for a Aries
Gifts that Aries will appreciate.
Styles that attract Aries, and best
styles for Aries.
soon. |
The most arousing smells for Aries.
soon. |
Foods and tastes Aries loves.
soon. |
Aries In Bed
Aries lovemaking styles.
soon. |
What Aries Likes to Hear
Words that are music to Aries ears. |
First Aid in a
Relationship with Aries
Techniques that help save a relationship
with a Aries.
soon. |
What Makes
Aries Angry
Whether you want to avoid them or use
them, these are things guaranteed to
piss off Aries.
soon. |
Breaking Up With
Techniques that will make breaking up
See also:
Compatibility |
Coming soon on this page:
Aries by the Year
Mixing Chinese and Western Astrology for
more insights into Aries.
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