Taurus Overview
Taurus Rulerships
Taurus' Symbol & Place in the Zodiac
The Taurus Female
The Taurus Male
Taurus Erogenous Zones
Taurus Bonuses (Strengths)
Taurus Tradeoffs (Weaknesses)
Taurus Appeal
More About Taurus' Sexuality
Cupid's Arrow, Foreplay, Accessories & Toys,
Gifts, Style, Scent, Taste, In Bed, Hear, First
Aid, Anger, Breaking Up
Overview |
Taurus is sensual beyond imagination, but Taurus sensuality is earthy, lusty, and rather simple and straightforward. Taurus stamina is legendary. For the most part, it’s “meat and potatoes” sex with a Taurus--that is until they trust you and open up. It’s quite a challenge to coax the trust out of a Taurus, however. In fact, coaxing Taurus to do much of anything is not easy. Taurus takes their own sweet time, and they will trust you based on your actions
over time rather than on what you say.
You may be able to talk the birds out of the
trees, but you won't be able to talk your way
into a Taurus' heart. Be there for them, be
patient, be loyal, be strong. Eventually, Taurus
will come to trust you. Always be aware of
Taurus patience.
Who is a
Taurus? |
Those born April 20-May 20. The cut off dates
vary from year to year, so if you are unsure,
send your birth data to us and we'll let you
Rulerships |
Taurus rules money and possessions, comfort,
and ownership. How does this translate on
romantic and sexual levels? Yes, they do
like to "own" you in some manner. Yes, they are
possessive once they feel they do own you. Yes,
they look for comfort in a relationship and in a
partner. They are not necessarily after money in
a relationship by all means (lots of sex is good
enough for most), but of course they think of it
as a bonus if you do have it. They don't have a
lot of respect for those who blow their dough
Taurus is ruled by sensual Venus, the goddess
of love, and this is one of the reasons Taurus
is so loveable!
& Place in the Zodiac
The symbol for Taurus is the Bull. Like the
bull, Taurus is powerful, headstrong, stubborn,
and focused.
Taurus is the second sign in the zodiac.
Aries was the infant, and Taurus is the toddler.
Toddlers are notorious for craving structure and
routine. They are not yet completely socialized,
but it's no longer all about their own needs and
wants as it was during the infant (Aries) stage. Desires are strong, but they are learning
to wait. Toddlers' lives revolve around food,
comfort, naps, potty training, and play time. In
many ways, Taurus is like the second born child.
They may like being first, but, unlike Aries,
they are humble enough to accept that they don't
always get first billing.
The Taurus
Female |
Taurus women are sensual,
classy, and ladylike but also quite stubborn and
set in their ways. They look for a solid,
settled, and grounded partner, but also one who
has enough "edge" to intrigue them.
Although strong and rather set in their ways,
Taurus women are also feminine and
beguiling. They are respectful and don't like
upsetting words or environments. Appeal to their
nose, always. They love fresh, clean, and
uncomplicated scents. Touch is magic to them,
and they love long, sensual kissing sessions.
The Taurus
Male |
Taurus men are
sometimes a little on the macho side, but they
are also very respectful, calm, and mostly in
control. They are not the mushy emotional types,
and there is absolutely nothing flaky about
them. Taurus men are as solid as they come.
Sex, food, money, and security...these are the
staples of life to a Taurus man.
Fill these basic needs, and your Taurus man is
likely to be quite content.
You don't want them to get too content to
the point that they take you for granted,
however. Taurus men seldom get carried away
romantically speaking. They are realistic,
sometimes maddeningly so to partners who need
the flowery words and promises.
Erogenous Zones
Taurus rules the neck, and, what do you know?
The neck is a sensitive zone for a Taurus. Kiss
and lick it gently, run your fingers on it
softly, clutch it tenderly as you kiss. This is
also gold for Venus in Taurus men and women.
Bonuses |
Taurus' strengths are patience, practicality,
solidness, gentleness (when they aren't angry),
and reliability. You can lean on them, count on
them, and have lots of earthy sex with them.
Tradeoffs |
Flowery romance is not typically in Taurus'
repertoire, and this may be the biggest tradeoff
if you're involved with a Taurus. A Taurus is
asked, "Do you love me?" and the classic Taurus
answer is, "I'm here, aren't I?" (You're
thinking, "Just say it, dammit!"). However, it
helps to remind yourself that Taurus expresses
affections with solid actions. Taurus is there,
and that does mean something. Would you prefer
someone who says "I love you" till the cows come
home, but who isn't always around?
Appeal |
When they woo you, Taurus is patient...very patient. There is a quiet confidence about them
that is very appealing. Somehow you know when
they say, "You'll grow to like me a lot", that
you will...and that "one day" could be very
soon. They possess a quiet determination, a
solid yet gentle demeanor, and a smile that
weakens your knees. They're not flashy people,
yet their presence is commanding. There's an
aura of calm surrounding them that is rare in
our stressed out world, and it's so very easy to
place your confidence in them. Something about
their manner oozes subtle sex appeal, and their
"aura" is soothing.
More About
Taurus' Sexual Styles - Categories |
Cupid's Arrow
Ways to the Taurus heart.
Prove yourself over time, through
your actions more than your words.
(Taurus says..."put your money where
your mouth is"). Give as much of
yourself as you can, give thoughtful and
practical gifts, and give them lots of
sex (try not to deny them). |
Taurus Foreplay
The most effective foreplay ideas with a
Lots of kissing and touching. Sounds
simple? Think simple! Taurus is the most
grounded, down to earth sign of the
zodiac. Taurus
lovers are sensual and realistic. Kiss
slowly and sensually. Touch softly.
Undress slowly. Kiss the neck.
Taurus Accessories
and Toys
The best accessories to use with a
For most Taureans, the
best sex is straightforward sex. But
everyone needs to mix things up a little
from time to time, and arguably the best
Taurus accessory is the handcuffs and
other bondage toys. There is a bit of a
dominatrix in every Taurus, male or
female. Think "ownership"--the thought
(and the proof) turns them on. |
Gifts for a Taurus
Gifts that Taurus will appreciate.
The best gifts for a
Taurus are substantial and practical,
yet simple. They are impressed when you
give them expensive gifts, no doubt, but
they should be classic rather than
frivolous. If you're buying clothing for
a Taurus, pay just as much attention to
how a piece of clothing feels to the
skin as you do to how it looks.
Styles that attract Taurus, and best
styles for a Taurus.
Like other
earth signs, Taurus looks best
dressed simply and with classic style.
clean, and quietly classy is the style
that Taurus is most attracted to, and
the style that best suits Taurus.
Clothing, whether it's on you or on
Taurus, has to feel good to the touch.
looks solid, and styles that are too
frilly, overdone, or "over the top" simply
look silly on them. And, they are not
impressed by others who look overdone,
either. Taurus dislikes overly processed
presentations, whether it's excessive
makeup and perfume, surgical
enhancements, or anything too divorced
from the natural state.
Silk is a fabric associated with
Taurus. Both genders love soft fabrics.
The most arousing smells for a Taurus.
Taurus is
notorious for being picky about smells.
They may not have the most refined sense
of smell, but they certainly have
definite likes and dislikes. Many of
these are very personal, based on
childhood experiences, and therefore
can't be listed here. Simple smells that
remind them of home and basic foods,
such as vanilla or cinnamon, usually
appeal. Clean smells, like fresh linen,
are also good bets. Perfumes that are
too flowery or that aren't natural can
turn them right off. |
Foods and tastes Taurus loves.
smell, and touch are the most defined
senses for a Taurus, and food as comfort
is associated strongly with the sign. As
with smell, their taste buds are not
necessarily what you would term
"refined", but their likes and dislikes
are firm. Once Taurus has decided they
don't like something, it's hard, if not
impossible, to change or open their
minds on the subject! Substantial
helpings of food, and substantial "meat
and potatoes" food is their preference.
If a food is overly processed, or too
divorced from its natural state, it's
unlikely to appeal. Quality and
freshness are important. Comfort food is
going to impress Taurus more than
designer food. Adding such edible oils
and lubricants as fruit-flavored or the
like to your repertoire will go off well
or not depending on your particular
Taurus. Most love all-natural, others
enjoy the extra scents and flavors these
products add to the experience. Taurus,
like the other Venus-ruled sign (Libra),
has a very definite sweet tooth.
Traditional meals and drinks go over the
best with Taurus. |
Taurus In Bed
Taurus lovemaking styles.
Taurus won't necessarily
let you in on it before they get to know you
better, but their appetite for sex
borders on insatiable. They are solid
and strong in bed, yet manage to come
across as loving and gentle at the same
time. Some confuse Taurus sensuality
with romance, but the truth is, Taurus
can appear more romantic than they
actually are. This is because of their
love for sensual touching, and a certain
tenderness that comes through despite
the strength. |
What Taurus Likes to Hear
Words that are music to Taurus ears. |
"I'm yours"
"You're the best I've ever had, and ever
will have"
First Aid in a
Relationship with a Taurus
Techniques that help save a relationship
with a Taurus.
If you feel you're
losing a Taurus and want to repair the
relationship, there are several steps to
take, but do avoid acts of desperation.
Although they might appeal to the Taurus
ego at first, it can be hard for Taurus
to respect you down the road.
Patience is important. Similar to the
wooing stage, when you needed to give
only a little at a time to keep Taurus
intrigued, wooing a Taurus back involves
baby steps. Prove yourself through solid
actions instead of promises. Taurus
lives in the here and now. Stroke the
Taurus ego by offering comforting and
simple compliments. (Nothing over the
top). Subtly remind Taurus how far
you've come together, as Taurus values
things more when they last.
Always remember that Taurus analyzes
you in subtle ways. They ask questions
and wait for you to answer, and in many
ways they are handing you a noose to
hang yourself with. They don't seem to
be reacting to what you're saying in a
negative manner, but they do take mental
notes, and they do notice
What Makes
Taurus Angry
Whether you want to avoid them or use
them, these are things guaranteed to
piss off Taurus.
Taking their things.
Taurus is not always stingy, but if they
give you something, they want to
initiate it. They don't like to be
asked, and hate it when people take
their things. Their partners are their
territory too. Being pushed and
manipulated into doing something. Taurus
is very stubborn and will dig in their
heels when they feel you are trying to
push them to do something.
Nasty, crude, and vulgar behavior.
Remember that Taurus is ruled by
peaceful and refined Venus.
Inconsistency in others is a pet
peeve. They don't trust people who
change their stories, and don't ever
think they don't notice--they do. They
can't help but uncover inconsistencies
and anything out of whack. Remember that
Taurus' ruler is Venus. Balance,
constancy, and equilibrium are very
important to the Bull.
By nature, Taurus is distinctively
calm and placid. They take things in
stride for the most, unless there's a
lot of Aries elsewhere in their natal
charts. It is hard for them to get to
the state of being livid, but when they
do, it's not pretty. Because Taurus
prefers not to rock the boat most of the
time, they often feel the need to walk
away and deal with their anger on their
own. Always, always, always, give Taurus
space when they are in this state. They
need time to cool off, and your being
around just won't help. And, it won't
take long for them to come around, for
Taurus dislikes disequilibrium. Calm and
collected is their natural and preferred
Breaking Up With a
Techniques that will make breaking up
If you really need to do
be straightforward and tactful. They
won't like you for it, no doubt, but
they're mostly reasonable folks. Taurus
is sure that you'll regret it one day.
The attitude is "it's your loss".
They're usually quite proud, too, so a
breakup is generally clean. If they do
try to win you back, they won't resort
to desperate tactics. Their actions will
speak volumes, however.
See also: Taurus Compatibility |
Coming soon on this page:
Taurus by the Year
Mixing Chinese and Western Astrology for
more insights into Taurus.